Tiffany Hodges is an actor & writer in NYC. Learn more at


Hi, I’m Tiffany Hodges. I’m an actor and writer in New York City, and this is my ghost story…

Many years ago, I used to talk to my deceased grandmother on the Ouija Board with my sisters and my mother. We were amazed at how the pointer would just move and she would spell her name and would give us advise or tell us about things that were going on in our lives. Questions we would ask her she would answer. So when I was ready to move to NY, I asked her if that was a good idea and she spelled out the words, “World Disaster.” Everyone in my family was very concerned and we tried to get more out of her and all we kept getting was that the world was going to change forever. I asked her if I would perish in this disaster and she said no. So I told my mother I’m packing my bags and going to NY anyway and moved here six weeks before September 11th. And the world most certainly did change forever. But I have been living very happily in New York City ever since. And I always think that my grandmother knew I would be okay.