I love a good ghost story! And this is one of my favorites. Enjoy! angiesperanza.com BELOW IS MORE VIDEO TAKEN AT MOHONK MOUNTAIN HOUSE Monhonk Montain House again as a possible film shoot site for "The Catalyst." Reminiscent of "The Shining." https://youtu.be/UHCSrq8QMUg
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Tiffany Hodges is an actor & writer in NYC. Learn more at www.TiffanyHodges.com Hi, I'm Tiffany Hodges. I'm an actor and writer in New York City, and this is my ghost story... Many years ago, I used to talk to my deceased grandmother on the Ouija Board with my sisters and my mother.…
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 From the writers of Children of the Corn 666 Isaac's Return and actor John Franklin, Isaac, from Children of the Corn comes Prime Cuts Novel a deeply disturbing, dark and twisted tale of mad haircuts, revenge and pizza. Prime Cuts Volume 1 focuses on Todd Sweeney who after a decade in cosmetology prison, returns…
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Eugen Bilankov is an art student from Croatia, who makes short videos, installations, experimental and narrative films and animations. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqVGo2D_vbwmm1O8PIR2brA/videos
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 SUNY, Brockport, Hartwell Hall.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Cameron Virrill is an English teacher and former Nantucket resident.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 https://sirenaross.wordpress.com/ I am a Seattle native. I write, paint, collect free things, shop thrift stores, preform as a dancing monkey and think about the apocalypse. I want to swim with whale sharks.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 A 13 year old, a ghost and a murderer... https://sirenaross.wordpress.com/
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Did my best not to cry like a wuss reading this. Ghost/Love Story in the Twilight Zone style. https://sirenaross.wordpress.com/
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 I am a scientist but I believe that there are things that just can't be explained.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Larry Fine is the author of MURDERING LAWYERS (www.larryfineauthor.com)
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Hauntings happen everywhere. This one started in the kitchen and the catalyst was a poker chip in another room..
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 I've been seeing these ghosts since childhood and I finally captured them on video. This is very close to where we will be filming "The Catalyst." Picture © Copyright Daniel Richardson
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Staying alive when swimming is hard enough without the dead interfering! Mark Grisar has won, placed or showed in over 20 screenwriting competitions.His screenplays have been optioned a dozen times (in 3 continents). He is currently working on the novelization of his multi-award winning script, CLEANING HOUSE, and is a frequent judge for the…
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Heidi Hackney is an actor and more living in New York City. www.heidihackney.com for more information.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Mr. McGuiness is a retired science teacher who didn't have a ghost story from elsewhere, so he made one up based on experience and dread. He called it into our Google phone number 914-933-7666. For those of you who have a story, but no way to send a video, this is a great option.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Great Grandmother heart monitor and "heart light" sensed hundreds of miles away. Brandi Bravo is a writer, actor, and stand-up comedian living in NYC. For more information, visit www.brandibravo.com!
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 A ghost story true enough a law was passed in Nyack, NY becuase of it. www.persuasioncreative.com When you need the impossible done…. Charles Gregory is the principal talent behind Persuasion Creatives unique and cost effective design group. Our projects include concept, design and production for all print, on line media, packaging, direct mail, and…
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Marilyn Oran is an actor living in NYC. Learn more at www.marilynoran.com
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Connie B. regularly helps those who have passed with their communication with us. She is an unsung "Ghost Whisperer" or "Medium" quietly working in the background and without a TV show.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Connie Bliss - GHOST SAYS Take My Picture!
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Joan Lee tells a story about her friend and frequent contributor Connie B. and what Joan's daughter saw around Connie. "I am interested in unusual and unbelievable stories of the unknown. I believe the people telling me their stories since I know them and trust what they say. I find all of this very…
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 They say children are more sensitive to spirit activity than adults. This story is of my earliest experience with the paranormal... in the womb!
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Karen Bacellar is an actor, writer, and director. Her work includes two short films, Act Like Me and Evelyn Victorious, as well as the upcoming web series, Shiksa Confessions (www.shiksaconfessions.com). She holds degrees in film from University College London and New York University.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Cristina Doikos is an actor and producer living in NYC. Learn more at www.CristinaDoikos.com
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Patty tells about ghosts at St. Bonaventure University and a local restaurant in Buffalo.
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
 Film Producer & Commodity Consultant living in NYC, born and raised in North Central Oklahoma on a farm. Believe that ghosts do exist in some form, but have not encountered one myself. But definitely believe that when someones life ends in a dramatic and sudden way, that their energy gets trapped here in some form…
Categories: Ghost Story Archive
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